A carbon credit – A carbon credit represents one ton of CO2 removed from the atmosphere.
Carbon offset – A carbon offset is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, typically measured in tons of CO2, that compensates for emissions produced elsewhere.
Take action – Set goals and implement strategies to reduce your carbon footprint.
Support climate projects – Take responsibility for remaining emissions by supporting climate initiatives and purchasing offsets.
The average price of a voluntary carbon credit is $24. One carbon credit equals offsetting 1,000 kg of CO2.
When you purchase one carbon credit, you offset:
Driving an Average Car: Offset about 8,333 kilometers driven by an average car.
Air Travel: Offset roughly 11.1 hours of flight time in economy class.
Hot Showers: Offset approximately 833 ten-minute hot showers.
Coffee Consumption: Offset around 5,000 cups of coffee.
Electricity Use: Offset about 3,500 kWh of electricity, which is roughly equivalent to the average electricity usage of a small household for a month.
Meat Consumption: Offset the CO2 emissions associated with the production of about 400 pounds of beef.
Grocery Shopping: Offset the emissions from the transportation and storage of about 1,500 pounds of groceries.
Home Heating: Offset the CO2 emissions from heating an average-sized home for about 2 weeks.
Smartphone Usage: Offset the emissions from charging an average smartphone for approximately 5,000 times.
Clothing Production: Offset the CO2 emissions from producing around 500 new articles of clothing, depending on the material and production methods.
Offsetting your life is personal, so we connect directly to explain your impact and how a Climate Journey with us makes a difference.